27th April_ 4 pm. Auditorium, Palacio de Congresos Conde Ansúrez, Valladolid, Spain
The panel session embraces the OLKC 2017 conference theme of “Inspirational learning” and invites a panel of academics and practitioners to come together to discuss aspects of inspiring people. This theme addresses one of the most crucial issues facing organizations today: The management of change, the encouragement of innovation, and the development of singular or talented people. But what does it mean to be inspirational? How do leaders become inspiring? Why people may be inspiring? Why may not? What inspiring people do? Do emotions fuel inspirational learning or inspirational learning mobilizes emotions? As a forum for exploring these questions and others, a scholar-practitioner panel session will be held. This session will include leaders and practitioners from industry and government, leaders who grapple on a daily basis with implementing organizational principles to solve real-world challenges. In dialogue with these practitioners, senior scholars will interweave their knowledge of theory, research and other successful practices in discussing a high-priority learning issue.
Panel Chair:
Neil Turner, Cranfield University, UK
Invited Practitioners:
Ana Irene Solas, Corporate Development Director, HR, Grupo Antolín.
Mercedes Almendro Hodgson, People Director of International and Corporate, Organization and Talent, Mahou-San Miguel
Sonia Fajardo, Human Resource Manager Region Southern-Europe, Skretting.
Invited Academics:
Professor Juani Swart, Associate Dean Faculty, Professor in Human Capital, University of Bath, UK
Natalia Martín Cruz, Vice-chancellor of Strategic Development and Quality, University of Valladolid, Spain
Invited Policy Discussant:
Hanadi Tutunji, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Panel Program:
4.00 – 4.10: Opening remarks from Chairs and introduction of participants and format.
4.10 – 4.45: Academic and Practitioner Perspectives.
There will be short (5-10 minutes) reflections from participants. Each presenter will share their perspective on the following questions:
4.45 -5.15: General Discussion
5.15 – 5.25: Concluding remarks: Neil Turner, Professor at the Cranfield University, UK
5.25 – 5.30: Thanks, Continuing the Conversation, and Close
The panel is organised in collaboration with CEDERED, a national network of Human Resource Managers that will take part in the session both as panelists and attendees.
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